Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Luxa vs Grocklar


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HER: Nothing really brings me to WoW these days. For me, the addiction is finally calming down and I'm enjoying my time doing other activities. (Thank god...) However, my boyfriend still plays it fairly consistently and is even on his trial period for a new guild. Thus today, he was out roaming (on his other 80) and saw a rare, Grocklar, lv 74, and suggested I log in to kill it for the achievement. And quickly, before he loses his dkp. It was bland. Not a hard fight for two above average geared level 80s so he was down in no time. (Felt like we were ganking him. o.o.) As for the loot (Rock-Giant's Pinky Cover of the Marksman and Abandoned Adventurer's Satchel with 18G 6S 3C, 20 Frostweave Cloth, 5 Crystallized Air), I "won" both: the hand from the roll and the satchel because it was my turn to loot. :P.

HIM: Today, Thrones had his first trial raid with EA. As it so happened I had about 15 minutes to prepare for the raid. I noticed I was a bit low on food buff food, so I went to Grizzly Hills to gather some Worg Haunch. It so happened I crossed paths with Grocklar. I called out to Luxuran and proceeded to wait for her. Sadly, I was running out of time as raid invites had started. But once Luxuran had safely landed in the Grizzly Hills, I asked the raid leader if I could temporarily leave the raid to kill this rare elite with Luxuran. Soon after the kill I received my invitation to the raid again and proceeded to leave for Icecrown Citadel.

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