Monday, August 9, 2010

Rogues' Testimony

BOTH: This isn't about our Lux pair but still interesting…

HER: Recently we've been training our rogues, trying to get to 50 (so I can learn more Leatherworking recipes and he can raise Engineering some more) and while questing, we like to queue for random instances. (They're a nice break from questing, the goodie bag (Satchel of Helpful Goods sometimes (being the operative word) gives a nice upgrade, and the extra gold's just the cherry on top.)

We were taking a small break from level leveling to level our lockpicking in Angor Fortress in Badlands. Up popped the announcement that a team was found and luckily for us, it was Zul'Farrak since we had the Troll Temper quest to complete. After a few pulls, our tank just up and left us. I still have no idea why… So as rogues, we started Sapping the humanoids. The hunter and my boyfriend (since he's such a great rogue!) held aggro and we managed to go past quite a few groups of mobs, until the next tank came in, asking why the last left; was it because people kept pulling aggro.

From there, it was just a normal run until the stairs encounter. The tank decided she was confident enough (she asked if she should and I replied, if you feel confident enough) and pulled the whole first group, leaving just us two rogues to try to hold out until the others could revive themselves and run back where we were. My boyfriend did most of the aggro holding, though I'd like to say I did a decent share. :P. And between Evasion, Vanish, and Heavy Runecloth Bandages (thank god for them!!), we managed to stay alive and the rest of the team was back in action just before Nekrum Gutchewer.

That is one trick I hope we don't have to pull for a long, long time.

For curiosity sake, we're level 46 and 45 (her and him) and questing in Tanaris. It's nice since we just portal to Caverns of Time from Dalaran.

And I love… Nicely "reminds" me of items, mobs, places, and just things in general.

The Stairs.

God's most cruelest joke or the most fun part of Zul'Farrak.

As it turned out for us, it was both.

Our tank rushed forward and decided to pull the entire mob that spawned at the bottom of the stairs, dying shortly after the pull. Mainly because the healer wasn't ready.

Soon our hunter followed and our healer, well let's just say our healer got off easy. He didn't have 20 mobs with murderous intent to bludgeon him to death.

But we rogues have stared Death in the eyes and laughed at him.

So we stood our ground at the hordes of mobs running up the stairs. We knifed and striked from the shadows, vanished and bandaged when we could. We bided our time when we needed to.

And on the battle went until finally the hunter ran back into the fray and all hell broke lose.

When the dust finally settled, two rogues silently vanished back into the shadows, leaving the lone hunter on top of the pile of bodies, littered at his feet.