Monday, January 4, 2010

The Luxes Step into the Twilight Zone!!

BOTH: We dare you to do the same!!

HER: Yesterday we tried OS 3D 25 (Obsidian Sanctum with 25 people, going for the Twilight Zone (25 player) achievement) since someone was looking for more. We logged our mains, joined the group, and a few minutes later, the leader bounced leadership to someone else. Then that person bounced it to a hunter who seemed to be most interested in this achievement. Unfortunately Luxe was talking too much too and leadership ended up on him. Or fortunately, unlike the other unwilling leaders, Luxe took the role up and organized a group together while I went to take a shower.

The first run with the initial group of people was one of the best for that group. We got Sartharion down to about 20%. In later runs, too many died from Flame Walls, including us once in the same try, and thus we couldn't DPS him down fast enough. We even tried having another hunter kite Tenebron and that may have helped, but in the end we decided to scrap that and just have everyone nuke the boss.

Basically, after buffs and ready check, I went in as bait to aggro Sartharion, Feign Death, and reset so we could get into position. I guess the positive side to this role is that when someone else pulls to try to wipe the raid, which happened twice for us and started the disbanding of our initial group, I have no aggro and don't have to worry about trying to make it out without dying. (Though I was stupid enough to get up the first time since I thought we'd stay and fight, but I made it out.) Therefore, we paused and found better DPS.

But still we were failing and we decided we lacked the DPS, so another round of weeding occurred along with some people going for the night. Someone even relogged so we could have a fury warrior.

Finally, after at least 13 wipes, as noted by Luxe's add-on, we were able to get the achievement. Thank god one gets the achievement as soon as Sartharion dies and not after he and the three other drakes die, since of course we didn't manage to kill the extra drakes. XD.

The highlight of this encounter was the Drake mount, Reins of the Twilight Drake, especially since no one really cared for the gear that dropped. So all those interested rolled, basically meaning everyone, and while I was rolling, I thought I saw a 100 around my roll and was thinking, "I can't beat that." So I scrolled up to see who won, and was so ecstatic it was me that I gave such a "Yay!," it made my throat slightly hoarse. And of course I replied to the offers that they couldn't offer me enough gold. After all, items that can't be bought with gold from a vendor or easily farmed are priceless. Plus, gold is too easy to get. :3.

Also, this was my first hard mode raid! I don't think I'll be going for more anytime soon. :D.

HIM: So yesterday we did OS+3D 25 man. And I had heard from a friend Pontifex that with the new gear levels from TotC 25 man, it's really easy to do OS+3D 25 man zerg strategy. And so with that in mind I suggested to Luxuran we try it as most people are now overgeared and we should have a reasonable easy time doing the achievement. But as it turns out the raid leader left and the raid nearly fell apart. Though I decided to take up the mantle of leadership and piece the raid together. In the meantime Luxuran took a shower. And boy what a sight to behold that was. *grins*

We used 1 tank and 3 healers (2 tank healers and 1 raid healer). Normally the zerg strat is done with 2 healers only. But since we started with 5, I had as many healers as we could switch to DPS. So we ended up with 3. Mainly because I don't like to kick anyone. Sadly by the end of the raid I had to kick 4 or so DSP to make the raid go more smoothly. They weren't putting out satisfactory DPS so they were replaced with better ones. (Happens a lot if you do not perform satisfactory, unless of course you know the raidleader. *wink wink*) We wiped about 16 times including some fail resets of Sartharion and some close calls for Luxuran on the resets. *shake shake* (I probable lost years of my life watching her go through that danger: one miss step and she would have been shishkebab.) But I knew we could down Sartharion. In the first few pulls I did notice we were lacking a bit of dps and in avoiding the flame walls. (Remember a dead DPS is no DPS.) Because we seemed to have struck a wall, couldn't bring Sartharion down more then 20%. Once I replaced some of the DPS and fake DCs we were doing much better. On those pulls we managed to bring him down to 3% - 5%. Where the tank would die at around 8% or so. And with a bit of luck we could now definitely see his downfall coming. And that's exactly what we did.

As the masterlooter I elected to get the mount out of the way first since that's what everyone was most interested in anyways. So I elected to have the mount rolled for instead of being raid rolled, I find that much fairer. At least that way what you rolled was your own damn fault. As it turns out I rolled a 95. Seeing that, I was elated to find I had rolled the higest so far. A second later my hope was dashed when I saw a 100 roll come up. And by god or fate it was from Luxuran. So on that note congratulations Luxuran on managing to down your first HM and getting the title as well as the mount in one "fabulous" swoop. =] (Yes I watch Sex and the City with her.)