Saturday, June 26, 2010

The End of My Love for Blizzard

HER: Let me count the ways I love HATE thee (in reference to both Blizzard and it's Midsummer Fire Festival)… You're too hot (in the middle of summer, though technically I love summer, but I digress), fiery (aiming for the braziers aren't too hard but boy does it get tedious after a while), full of drama (the kabooms from all my misses from torch catching), and full of world domination angst (stupid scorchling, teasing me, acting all cute, and making me want to earn one).

Actually, I just love the little Scorchling and want wanted one for myself. I was so excited about the festival since that meant more opportunities to get the pet. Unfortunately I DO have a life and couldn't farm Ahune 24/7 for two weeks last year to get him. Now, I HATE Blizzard for removing the pet (thereby rewarding those who are slaves to WoW) and I'll say that a million times until they put him back!

Nor does my boyfriend really seem to care since he was annoyed listening to me vent. =.=. Truthfully, he's very sweet. He does all the annoying torch throwing and catching for my characters. *Kissies to him.*

[This was going to be an upbeat, silly post until I found out that Ahune's pet is this new consolation prize, Ice Chip.]


  1. The blues have posted that pet will be brought back soon for something else.

  2. HER: Fine, maybe I don't hate Blizzard... Just dislike them immensely for being such a tease.

    *Crosses fingers.* I hope I get lucky this time!

    HIM: Thank you for bringing up Blizzard's reputation to Luxuran from hate to dislike. Now she'll play with me again...
